Key Takeaways
- Most of the landlord-tenant laws fall under Chapter 59.18, the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act.
- Security deposits have no maximum limit, but a lessor must return it within 21 days.
- Eviction notice periods depend on the degree of violation, ranging between immediate and 30 days.
- A lessor must provide 24 to 48 hours’ notice, depending on the reason for their entry to the property.
- There are seven (7) mandatory disclosures lessors must add to the lease.
Washington Lease Agreement Templates
Residential Lease Agreement

Residential Rental Agreement
Used 5,261 times
Save time and resources by using this customizable residential rental agreement to create legally binding contracts with your tenants. It includes detailed sections about all aspects of a typical tenancy, including terms, responsibilities, rent, duration, insurance, maintenance, and more.
Use this agreement template to detail the terms and conditions for renting a residential property in Washington.
Washington Apartment Lease
Utilize this agreement template when renting an apartment in Washington. It covers all legal aspects like lease term, rent amount, and apartment rules.
Washington Room Rental
Employ this agreement template when renting out individual rooms within a property in Washington.
Washington Month-to-Month Lease
Opt for this agreement template for short-term lease in Washington. It allows for flexible rental arrangements while maintaining a professional contract.
Commercial Lease Agreement
Select this agreement template for leasing commercial properties in Washington. It addresses crucial considerations such as lease terms, rent adjustments, and more.
Lease to Purchase Agreement
Consider this agreement template for lease-to-own arrangements in Washington. It offers a structured framework for tenants to potentially purchase the property in the future.
Sublease Agreement
Utilize this agreement template to facilitate subleasing arrangements in Washington. It ensures that all parties involved understand their rights and responsibilities in a professional and legally binding manner.
Understanding Washington Rental Laws
Under the Revised Code of Washington, Title 59 – Landlord and Tenant covers the basics of leases in the state. More specifically, we’ll examine Chapter 59.18 – Residential Landlord-Tenant Act to see what laws apply to leases.
Laws | Name | Description |
Section 59.18.010;Section 59.18.050 | Rights and remedies – Obligation of good faith imposed;Jurisdiction of district and superior courts. | Sections that detail the different jurisdictions for leases, definitions, and what the obligation of good faith means. |
Section 59.18.283 | Moneys paid by tenant – Landlord must apply toward rent – Tenant’s right to possession – Installment payment plans. | The process of the tenant gaining possession of the unit after signing the lease is as follows: |
Section 59.18.065 | Landlord – Copy of written rental agreement to tenant. | Tenants are entitled to a written copy of the lease to ensure they know the terms and their rights. |
Sections 59.18.060 to 59.18.120 | Landlord – Duties – Failure to perform duties – Notice from tenant – Contents – Time limits for landlord’s remedial action. | This section explains the landlord’s duties regarding maintenance, repairs, and habitability, along with the tenant’s remedial actions. |
Section 59.18.670 | Security deposit – Landlord waiver, disclosure form – Fee in lieu – Claims for losses – Judicial action, collection activity – Violation. | Details all of the security deposit rules and limits. |
Sections 59.18.200 to 59.18.220 | Tenancy from month to month or for rental period – End of tenancy – Armed forces exception – Exclusion of children – Conversion to condominium – Demolition, substantial rehabilitation of the premises – Notice | Explains that the termination periods are based on the type of lease. |
Section 59.18.650 | Eviction of tenant, refusal to continue tenancy, end of periodic tenancy – Cause – Notice – Penalties. | Explains the eviction policies, violations, and notice periods. |
Section 59.18.150 | Landlord’s right of entry – Purposes – Searches by fire officials – Searches by code enforcement officials for inspection purposes – Conditions | Here are details on the laws regarding when a landlord can enter the premises, for what reason, and the notice period. |
Section 59.18.140 | Reasonable obligations or restrictions – Tenant’s duty to conform – Landlord’s duty to provide written notice in increase of rent. | These laws explain the required notice period surrounding rent increases and other rent control issues. |
Section 59.18.040 | Living arrangements exempted from chapter | Specific leases or living arrangements that have different laws governing them. |
Security Deposit Limits
- There’s no maximum limit for security deposits in the state. However, upon receiving this amount, a lessor must provide a security deposit receipt.
- While lessors must keep the deposit amount in a separate escrow account, they don’t need to pay interest on it.
- Lessors have 21 days from the lease’s termination to return the security deposit to the lessee.
Eviction Procedures
- A lessor has various reasons they can evict a lessee, with the eviction notices ranging between:
- 14 days for nonpayment of rent
- 10 days to comply when violating the lease
- 30 days to comply when violating the lease in a way that’s affecting the safety/health of residents/the property
- Three (3) days for criminal activity, waste, or being a nuisance to other residents
- The exception to the notice periods is if the lessee illegally uses a firearm on the premises, participates in gang activity, illegally uses drugs, or performs similar unlawful actions. Then, the lessor can immediately file an unlawful detainer action.
Right to Enter (Landlord)
- A lessor must provide at least 48 hours’ notice before they can access the premises for repairs and maintenance.
- The notice period changes to 24 hours if the lessor wants to show the property to a prospective purchaser.
- The only exception to the notice period is if it’s an emergency. An emergency typically constitutes if the lessor has reasonable cause to believe harm is imminent to the lessee or property.
Washington lessors have various disclosures to which they must pay attention. These include:
- Information on Authorized Authorities
- Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
- Fire Safety and Protection Disclosure
- Security Deposit Receipt
- Mold Disclosure
- Nonrefundable Fees Disclosure
- Voter Registration Packet