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Utah Apartment Lease Agreement

In Utah, it’s essential to have a written Utah apartment lease agreement. This contract, typically signed before the tenant moves in, ensures a smooth stay.

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Utah Apartment Lease Agreement

The writing sources for a Utah apartment lease agreement primarily derive from state landlord-tenant laws and regulations. These laws govern various aspects of the leasing process and provide remedies where parties feel aggrieved. This agreement comprises some of the following provisions:

Security Deposit 

  • Security deposit amount: There’s no legal cap on the security deposit in Utah. The landlord may request any reasonable amount, which is typically one (1) to two (2) months’ rent, like in most other states.
  • Non-refundable deposits: If any part of the security deposit is to be non-refundable, this must be stated clearly in writing when the deposit is collected. Renters should review their lease carefully to identify any non-refundable portions.
  • Allowed usage: Landlords can apply deposits toward unpaid rent, damages beyond normal wear and tear, other fees in the lease, and cleaning costs at unit turnover.
  • Return timeline: Within 30 days after the tenant moves out, landlords must mail tenants their deposit balance and prepaid rent balance, if any, along with an itemization of all deductions.
  • Tenants’ recourse: If landlords violate the 30-day return requirement, tenants can send a certified notice demanding compliance within five (5) business days or be owed the entire original deposit amount plus $100. 
  • Service methods: Tenants must formally serve deposit notices to landlords via personal delivery or authorized substitute at the rental. They can also use conspicuous affixing if no one can accept notice or certified mail. Valid service is key for enforcement.  

Entry and Access

  • Legal entry reasons: Utah landlords can enter for repairs, inspections, or other reasonable purposes if proper notice is given. 
  • Notice requirement: Tenants must receive at least 24 hours of written or verbal notice. Notice should state the purpose and approximate time of entry. 
  • Penalty: Illegal entry without proper notice entitles tenants to seek court injunctions or monetary damages covering actual losses. Tenants can also recover court costs and legal fees.

Pets Policy

  • Service/assistance animals: While general pet restrictions apply to most tenants, those with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations to keep service or emotional support animals needed because of their disability. Tenants must provide documentation connecting the disability to the need for the animal.
  • Pet deposits/fees: Landlords can charge additional deposits or monthly pet fees to cover any damages or extra cleaning caused by pets. However, they cannot charge deposits or fees for legitimate service/assistance animals.
  • Pet damage: Tenants are responsible for any damage caused by their pets, including carpet stains, scratched doors, and destroyed property. Landlords can deduct repair costs from the security deposit.
  • Nuisance issues: Tenants can face eviction if their pet causes excessive noise, threatens others, or isn’t properly cleaned up afterward. Pets must not disturb neighbors.
  • Lease violation: Bringing a pet into a no-pet building or exceeding pet number restrictions is a lease violation. This gives grounds for eviction.


Reviewing disclosures carefully before signing a Utah apartment lease agreement allows tenants to make informed decisions and hold landlords accountable.

  • Lead-based paint: For units built before 1978, landlords must provide the Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Form revealing any known lead-based paint or hazards. Tenants must receive this before signing a lease.
  • Authorized agents: Landlords must disclose the names and addresses of all owners, managers, and agents authorized to act on behalf of the owner. This ensures tenants can properly communicate issues.
  • Methamphetamine contamination: If a landlord suspects previous methamphetamine production on the property, they must inform tenants. A contamination site assessment may be required before renting again.