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  3. Travel Agency Agreement Template


Travel Agency Agreement Template

Used 7,136 times

4.7 Rating (28 reviews)

Use this travel agency agreement when a travel agency agrees to resell services or accommodations provided by another company.

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  3. Travel Agency Agreement Template
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Travel Agency Agreement

Prepared for:

Client Name

Created by:


Terms and Conditions

Write your terms and conditions here.


The Company offers travel-related services and accommodations, including the following:

The Travel Agency will offer the above-listed services and accommodations to business and consumer clients as part of travel packages pursuant to the terms of this travel agency agreement.

In return, the Company agrees to pay the Travel Agency commissions based on actual sales.

Company Responsibilities

The Company shall provide the Agency with a non-exclusive license to offer the Company’s services and accommodations as part of vacation and travel packages.

The Company agrees to maintain availability for such bookings as detailed below:

Travel Agency Responsibilities

The Travel Agency will offer items listed in this agreement to businesses and consumers as part of travel packages.

The Travel Agency agrees to offer such items at prices approved by the Company without exception.

The Travel Agency agrees to report all sales to the Company on a weekly basis.

The Travel Agency shall provide the Company with full contact information for each client purchasing the Company’s services or accommodations.


The Travel Agency shall receive commissions equal to Coommission Percentage % of gross sales. Invoices for commissions shall be generated each month, and shall be paid by the Company on a net-30 basis.


The Travel Agency agrees to provide the Company with an up-to-date ledger monthly containing all reservations or tours conducted by the Agency.

Any and all terminated bookings shall be provided to the Company on a weekly basis in a clear and concise ledger.


The Travel Agent hereby acknowledges they may become aware of information the Company may deem as confidential including but not limited to:

  • Sale Dates
  • Special Rate Changes
  • Availability

Any information listed as confidential by the Company shall remain private and will not be made publicly available by the Travel Agent.

In the event the Company becomes aware of a breach of any of this agreement’s provisions it will have the right to terminate this travel agency agreement in its entirety


The Travel Agency agrees to obtain and maintain adequate insurance with Company Name as “Other Insured” for the duration of this agreement.

Upon the Company’s request the Travel Agent shall furnish proof of insurance for each month during the term of this travel agency agreement.

Failure to obtain or furnish proof of insurance shall be considered grounds for termination of this agreement at the Company’s discretion.


This Travel Agency Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of 1 year from the agreement date.

Upon the completion of this agreement the Parties may agree to extend for 1 year from the completion date.

In the Instance either party shall decline to extend this agreement the agreement shall conclude on the date of declining.


The Travel Agency acknowledges that during the term of this Travel Agency Agreement the following shall remain in effect:

The Company shall remain the rightful owner of any and all titles, rights, and interests in the property as well as any materials provided for the completion of this agreement.

The Travel Agency will have no rights to sell or trade any material provided by the Company during the term of this agreement.

The Travel Agent will not copy or duplicate any material provided by the Company unless previous approval has been granted.

The Travel Agency should keep all materials and property included in this travel agency agreement in good working condition.


Either party may terminate this agreement in its entirety with prior written notice within 30 days of the requested termination date.

If any terms or conditions contained within this agreement are breached, the responding party shall have the opportunity to terminate this agreement.

Upon termination, the Travel Agency agrees to return any and all property provided by the Company in the condition it was received in.

Upon the termination of this travel agency agreement all bookings in process will become void and any outstanding balances will become due.


The Parties agree to refrain from transferring or selling any portion of this agreement without prior written agreement from the party requesting such actions.

Any third parties involved in this agreement must be assigned and maintained by the Company.

Third Party Individuals

The following individuals have been approved as third party vendors by the Company and shall be treated as such by the Travel Agency.



Any notifications in regards to this travel agency agreement shall be delivered via email, certified letter, or in person to the following addresses.

Company: Company Address

Company Email

Travel Agent: TravelAgent Address



The Parties hereby acknowledge the receipt and understanding of all the terms and conditions as outlined in this travel agency agreement.







Travel Agency Agreement Template

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