This Teacher Agreement, also referred to as "contract," is effective from (Date of the Beginning of the Contract) between the following parties:
[Teacher.FirstName][Teacher.LastName], hereby mentioned as the “teacher,” a citizen of [Teacher.Country][Teacher.State], residing at [Teacher.StreetAddress][Teacher.City], [Teacher.State][Teacher.PostalCode], and
[Employer.Company], hereby mentioned as the “school,” an educational institution located at [Employer.StreetAddress][Employer.City][Employer.State][Employer.PostalCode].
The teacher and the school are together addressed as “parties” and independently as a “party.” The school wishes to employ [Teacher.FirstName][Teacher.LastName] to teach (Name of the Subject or Skill) to the students of ________ standard (Mention the Grade Level of Students).
The school perceives that the teacher has the necessary qualifications and expertise to perform their duties and responsibilities. [Teacher.FirstName][Teacher.LastName] accepts the offer of employment put across by the school covering the following terms and conditions:
The teacher agrees to join the school starting from (Date of Joining), also addressed as the contract commencement date, as a (Specify Whether Full Time or Part Time) employee and may continue to work for a minimum of (Number of Months or Years).