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  2. Strategic Plan Template


Strategic Plan Template

Used 5,403 times

4.6 Rating (9 reviews)

Do you require a Strategic Plan Template to address your issues before the caliber of your brand or company? This template from PandaDoc's selections could result in a profit, which would support the period's end financial estimates for your company.

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Strategic Plan Template

Image 1

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Executive summary

Problem statement


In recent feedback sessions, (percent)% of

your customers experience a need for (declare customer need, such as faster delivery, accessibility, or a cheaper product).

Image 2
Image 3


In surveys of customers who have chosen the competitors (product), they mentioned that (price/delivery/accessibility, etc.) and (price/delivery/accessibility, etc.) was a problem (percent)% of the time.


To best serve your existing customers, you need to develop a series of (product/service/initiative) and sell it (at/with a better price point/faster delivery/improved accessibility, etc.).

Image 4

Executive summary

Proposed solution

Your new (product/service/initiative) should begin (at/with)(percent)% (cheaper/faster delivery/more accessibility, etc.), with the potential to increase it to (percent)% depending on (what could prevent your product from succeeding, like marketing, amount of employees, etc.).

Image 5

In order to offer (these prices/improved accessibility/faster delivery, etc.), you should do the following:

Pain point 1

(How to improve pain-point #1)

Pain point 2

(How to improve pain-point #2)

Pain point 3

(How to improve pain-point #3)

Image 11

Note that our proposed solution will not affect the overall quality of your business or brand.

With our proposed solution, your brand could (breakout into new markets/reduce manufacturing costs, etc.). These new offerings could bring in $(profit amount), which would help your business's financial projections at the end of Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4/year).

Your company

! The following information discusses what your company currently looks like.

Image 6

Mission statement

Core values/principles

(What does your business want to accomplish for its customers?)

(What is your vision, is it to become the best in your industry?)

Goals and objectives

(What are your objectives? Gaining more customers, expanding the company to 100 employees, or getting more investors?)

Product or service development

! We recommend your business creates the following products/services.

Product/service description

(Product/service description)

Pricing model

(Pricing model, including one-time costs or subscription costs)

Delivery capabilities

(Includes resource requirements for delivery, design ideas, and performance projections.)

Delivery system

(How you’ll deliver the product: online, shipment, etc.)

Critical element suppliers

(Includes the supply chain, such as inventory management, packaging strategy, storage and delivery strategy, regulatory compliance, safety, financial models, and data integrity and control.)

Marketing research

! Based on data, your business should be targeting the following customers.

Your competition and market status are how we determine if you’re aligning with industry marketing outcomes.


(Create a customer avatar that includes their age, gender, marital status, children, location, occupation, job title, average income, education, goals, values, challenges, point points, and common objections.)


(Choose at least 3 competitors, preferably direct competitors, in your industry to use for your SWOT analysis.)

Market status

(How is your market performing?)

Marketing goals

! Based on data, we believe your business should commit to the following

marketing goals.

Consumer climate

(How much do you expect your consumers to spend?)

Market share

(What portion of the market share do you expect to have?)


(What industries or areas do you want to invest in?)

Distribution channels

(What direct and indirect distribution channels do you want to invest in? Retailers, wholesalers, or agents?)

Marketing plan

! Based on research, your business should include the following marketing initiatives.

Strategy and tactics

Customer markets

(What are your main marketing strategies and tactics?)

(What customer markets are you targeting? Primary and/or secondary?)

Market positioning

Advertising research

(How do you want your customers to view your brand or product?)

(How will you conduct market research? What is your strategy?)

Public positioning

Test marketing

(Will your public positioning be based on product characteristics, price, quality/luxury, product use, or on the competition?)

(What markets, besides your direct market, should you test?)


(Where are your cross-selling opportunities?)

SWOT analysis

! Based on research, this chart represents your and your competition’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for growth, and potential threats. Use this chart to improve on your offerings.


Self:(What are you doing right? Why do your customers like you?)

Competition: (What is your competition doing right? Why do their customers like them? Can you capitalize on their strengths?)

Image 7
Image 8


Self:(What are you doing wrong? What do your customers say they want you to improve? How can you improve on these problems?)

Competition:(What are they doing wrong? What do their customers say they want them to improve? How can you capitalize on these problems?)

SWOT analysis


Self: (Where are there opportunities for growth in your company based on your and your competition's weaknesses and your strengths?)

Competition:(Where can your business improve and capitalize on your competition’s customers? When can you implement these changes?)

Image 9
Image 10


Self:(What projects are you creating at the moment? What could go wrong, and how has your competition implemented a similar project?)

Competition: (Are you aware of new projects your competition is implementing? What could go wrong? Could your business do it better?)

See risk factors and contingencies for possible financial shortfalls.

Financial plan

! Below are your total costs regarding your employees, office expenses, and utilities. Your sales are covered in the “projected revenue” charts. The final two charts, “projected quarterly expenses” and “projected yearly revenue and expenses,” cover your total costs.

Projected costs for the year

Your projected costs for (year) is as follows:





Item 1

Description of first item




Item 2

Description of second item




Item 3

Description of third item




Projected quarterly revenue

Your projected revenue for (year) is as follows:

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4











Net Profit





Total yearly sales:


Total yearly returns:


Net profit:


Projected quarterly expenses

Your projected quarterly expenses for (year) is as follows:





Item 1

Description of first item




Item 2

Description of second item




Item 3

Description of third item




Projected yearly revenue and expenses

Your projected quarterly expenses for (year), (year), and (year) are as follows:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Total Revenue




Total Expenses




Net Profit




Assessment and review

! The below chart includes our assessment and review of the following categories.

Analytics and tracking

Financial analysis

(What are your results for tracked metrics and KPIs?)

(How is your company doing financially?)

Customer surveys

Market share analysis

(What do your customers say?)

(What percentage of the market share do you currently own?)

Market survey

(Where is the market headed in your industry?)

Risk factors and contingencies

! Risk factors regarding your business are indicated below. If you limit the number

of risk factors and contingencies in your business, you’ll be able to meet your financial projections.

Revenue Shortfall

(Do you expect a shortfall? What can you do to prevent this?)

Pro Forma Invoices

(Are your Pro Forma invoices accurate? By how much?)

Critical Ratios

(What is your critical ratio percentage? How can this be improved?)

Budget Variance

(Will your budget be higher or lower than projected costs?)

Financial Audits

(How accurate are your financial audits?)


! Below are the sources we used to find the data we needed to conduct your strategic plan.

Research: Clients

(Use existing reviews, own analysis, data analytics, websites, surveys, product/service usage, audience insights, one-on-one conversations, Google research, heat mapping, social listening, and more to conduct your research.)

Research: Competition

(“ “)

Research: Environment

(“ “)

*Please go back to your executive summary to see how we used our findings.







Strategic Plan Template

Used 5,403 times

4.6 Rating (9 reviews)

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