

Solar Lease Agreement

Used 4,873 times

Our solar lease agreement template delivers a fully customizable document to protect legally your solar energy investment.

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Solar Lease Agreement

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Installation Property: (Property.Name)

Installation Address: (Property.Street) (Property.City) (Property.Street) (Property.Street)

The Agreement and Its Term

This solar lease agreement, dated at (Begin.Date) (“Effective Date”), is between [Client.FirstName][Client.LastName] (“Client”) and [PowerProvider.FirstName][PowerProvider.LastName] (“Power Provider”). It is effective until (End.Date) (“Date of Termination”) or until such a time both parties agree to terminate the agreement. Hereafter, the Client and Power Provider may be collectively referred to as “Parties” in this document.


  1. The Power Provider will install (Solar.Equipment) (“Solar Equipment”) at [Client.StreetAddress][Client.City][Client.State][Client.PostalCode] (“Property”), to be completed before (Number) days from the Effective Date has passed.

  2. The Client is the Owner of the Property or has the right to affect changes on the Property.

  3. The Power Provider ensures to install and maintain the Solar Equipment as required by the laws of [Client.State].

  4. The Client confirms that they will pay the lease amount for the use of the Solar Equipment as per the terms of this agreement.

Defined Terms and Interpretation

  1. “Operation” refers to an event occurring while the Power Provider (i) completes the physical installation, maintenance, and repairs of the Solar Equipment and (ii) delivers energy through the affected meter to the Client.

  2. “Operation Date” is when the Operation services and installation are complete, with fully functioning Solar Equipment.

  3. “Energy Delivery Point” refers to the delivery point of solar energy within the Property.

  4. “Energy Output” means the total net energy output delivered through the meter to the Client.

  5. “Solar Equipment” refers to all of the power generation equipment, switches, controls, meters, conduits, wires, connections, and other equipment which connects to the Energy Delivery Point to provide solar power to the Client.

  6. “kWp” is the kilowatt rated power.

  7. “kWac” is the kilowatt alternating current.

  8. “kWhac” is the kilowatt-hour alternating current.

Leasing Solar Equipment

Per the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Client will pay the Power Provider a monthly lease amount to lease the equipment. The Power Provider understands that this lease amount enables the Client to use the net Energy Output the Solar Equipment generates without additional fees on the kWh.

The Client will pay $(Lease.Amount) to the Power Provider by the 1st of each month. If the Power Provider doesn’t receive the monthly lease fee by the 5th or by (Number) days after the payment due date, then an additional late fee of $(Late.Fee) may apply.

All payments will be made in United States Dollars (USD) using (Payment.Method1) or (Payment.Method2). If the Client mails the payment, they must ensure it reaches the Power Provider before or on the 1st of each month to avoid additional charges.

Maintenance and Repairs

The Power Provider leases the Solar Equipment to the Client, maintaining their ownership over it, with the understanding that the Client will report any damages or problems to the Power Provider in no less than (Number) hours.

The Power Provider will undertake annual/bi-annual maintenance services on the Solar Equipment and Energy Delivery Point. The Power Provider is also responsible for repairing damages that are not the direct result of negligence or actions taken by the Client.

Pre-Installation Obligations

The Power Provider is obliged to complete and finish the Operations in a timely manner once this contract has been signed. Obtaining and maintaining performance licenses, approvals, and permits for Solar Equipment and its maintenance is also the duty of the Power Provider.

The Client must obtain any written permissions required to allow the requested installation lawfully and has it present upon arrival or the installation team. Should the Client not have these permissions, any additional charges, cancellation fees, or other reasonable expenses will be the responsibility of the Client.

The Power Provider is responsible for all costs and the performance of the Operations tasks. However, at no additional cost to the Power Provider, the Client will obtain government approval, permits, licenses, or certificates to ensure the legality of installing Solar Equipment on the Property. Both parties agree to maintain any Operations and Solar Equipment insurance.

Notices and Resolution of Disputes

All notices must be written and delivered in person or through a post mailing system. These notices only go into effect with receipt of the delivery or in-person delivery. No matter whether a party posts or delivers the notice in person, the notice should have the full name, company, address, fax number, and telephone number of the affected Party listed.

If there is any dispute regarding the solar lease agreement, the parties agree to resolve the dispute within 30 days using mutual discussion. Should the parties not achieve a satisfactory resolution, it will be settled through arbitration.

Miscellaneous Provisions

Should the Solar Equipment need to be moved during the term of this agreement, the Party requiring the move or replacement must obtain permission from the Power Provider and any other written approvals required by law. This Party must also cover the costs of the movement or replacement of the Solar Equipment.

Each Party should receive and keep related confidential documents regarding this agreement. Both Parties agree not to publish the documents publicly.

Warranties and Covenant of Both Parties

Both parties warrant to the other Party that they are duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing with the laws of [Client.State]. The parties warrant that they are qualified to conduct business as they comply with all [Client.State] laws, rules, and regulations.

The Client acknowledges they are responsible for providing reasonable security of the Solar Equipment. This includes commercially reasonable monitoring of the Property alarms and Solar Equipment. The Client shall not knowingly, indirectly, or directly create, cause, assume, incur, or suffer to make a liens, pledge, mortgage, security interest, charge, or claim with respect to the Solar Equipment or any interest therein.

Event of Default

Any of the below actions are considered “Events of Default,” wherein one Party has the right to terminate the lease agreement due to the other event of default the other Party committed.

  • If the Client doesn’t pay the monthly lease amount within (Number) days of the due date.

  • If a Party breaches any of the terms and conditions of this agreement

  • If the Client provides a written notice of their inability to pay their debts

  • If one of the parties files a petition or reorganization under the federal bankruptcy laws

Should one of the parties experience an event of default, the other Party has the right to suspend or terminate the agreement before the effective End Date.


Both parties acknowledge that they fully understand the terms of this agreement. By signing this document, both Power Provider and Client will be held accountable to its terms and conditions.

This solar lease agreement is the only document valid in the court of law that governs this agreement. Any concessions to this agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties.

All rights and obligations of this agreement are construed and governed by the laws of (State). In Witness Whereof, this agreement is executed on the date, month, and year mentioned below.







Solar Lease Agreement

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