Rhode Island Month-to-Month Lease Agreement
Rhode Island is considered a somewhat landlord-friendly state, meaning there are some rent-control laws, but nothing too strict. However, to ensure a successful tenancy, landlords and tenants need to understand the legal aspects of month-to-month leases in Rhode Island to create a sound agreement that protects both parties.

Lease Termination & Renewal
- As is the case with all month-to-month leases, renewal isn’t required.
- If there’s no set term outlined in your agreement, the lease automatically renews each month.
- The original lease agreement is enforced as long as the lease continues.
- Since there’s no termination date set in your agreement, you can continue living at the property until either party gives written notice.
- In the state of Rhode Island, the notice needs to be at least 30 days to terminate a month-to-month lease.
Rent Increases
- Rhode Island doesn’t have any rent-control laws in place at this time.
- The landlord is within his/her legal rights to increase the rent by any amount he/she feels is fair.
- In order to increase the rent, the landlord must provide at least 30 days’ notice. If the tenant is older than 62, then the notice period for rent increases becomes 60 days.
Security Deposit
- The state of Rhode Island does have a limitation on the amount of security deposit that landlords can charge.
- Landlords are only allowed to charge up to one month’s rent. However, if the property is furnished above the value of $5,000, they’re allowed to increase the security deposit to a maximum of $2,000.
- Security deposits don’t have to be stored in interest-bearing accounts.
- The security deposit must be returned to the tenant within 20 days of them vacating the property.
- Deductions can be made to cover cleaning costs, trash disposal, serious rental damage, and unpaid rent.
- If the deposit isn’t returned within 20 days, the tenant can sue for twice the amount and legal fees.
Tenant Rights
There are several tenant rights in place to protect individuals renting in the state of Rhode Island. In order to have these rights, tenants must follow the lease agreement and pay rent on time. These rights include:
- Living in a home that meets local and state health and safety regulations.
- Having repairs made within 20 days of sending a written notice.
- Taking legal action against the landlord for any lease violations.
Required Disclosures
There are also a number of legal disclosures that must appear on a Rhode Island month-to-month lease agreement. These required disclosures include:
- Lead-based paint disclosure
- List and contacts of all authorized agents
- Housing code violation disclosure