This Promissory Note (the "Note") entered as of (Date), by and between
[Borrower.FirstName][Borrower.LastName] (the Borrower),
being able to send mail to [Borrower.StreetAddress][Borrower.City][Borrower.State][Borrower.PostalCode], and
[Lender.FirstName][Lender.LastName] (the Lender),
being able to send mail to [Lender.StreetAddress][Lender.City][Lender.State][Lender.PostalCode].
The laws of the State of Georgia regulate this Note.
Taking into account the money received, [Borrower.FirstName][Borrower.LastName], who shall be entitled as "borrower", undertakes to pay to [Lender.FirstName][Lender.LastName] entitled as the "Lender" the amount of (Loan.Amount) plus interest thereon, following the terms to be set forth hereinafter in this document.
Payment of the principal amount and interest on this note and any additional charges are due on or before (Due.Date). In accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia, the interest charged shall be (LegalInterest.Amount)%.