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  2. Product Brief Template


Product Brief Template

Used 4,909 times

Product briefs are useful resources for providing an overview of a product while it is still in development. Use this Product Brief Template by simply entering the information about your pertinent product in the fields provided.

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  2. Product Brief Template


Product Brief Template

Image 1

Product Name: [Product.Name]

Date: [Document.CreatedDate]

Produced by:[Sender.FirstName][Sender.LastName]


This product brief is intended to give (your audience, e.g., management, contractors, etc.) an overview of (product name) and (state the goal of the brief, e.g., get approval for development, gather feedback, give a demo, etc.).

Purpose of Product

The purpose of [Product.Name] is to (describe the purpose of the product). The use cases for [Product.Name] include:

  • Example use case

  • Example use case

  • Example use case

Product Design

(Provide details and visuals on the product design if available. If it's a physical product, measurements, materials, and pictures could be provided. If it's a digital product, you could provide screenshots or other design elements that illustrate the user experience.)

Image 2


[Product.Name]​ will solve the problem of (state the problem or problems) by (describe the solution).

Target Audience

The target audience for [Product.Name] is (detail your target audience, e.g., stay-at-home parents in their 40s in middle-income households, single working professionals in their 30s with high incomes, etc.).


The size of this industry is (state the dollar value of the target market if it's available), and there is (state the amount of competition that's been identified).

Some of our main competitors include:

  • Competitor #1

  • Competitor #2

  • Competitor #3

Our product will stand apart from these competitors because (describe the unique selling point or USP that makes your product different from the rest).


(Describe the pricing model you'll use for your product, e.g., upfront cost, subscription, tiered model, etc.)


For [Product.Name]​ to be market ready, it will require the following tasks to be completed:

  • Task #1

  • Task #2

  • Task #3


There are several key personnel that will be involved in bringing [Product.Name]​ from the development stage to the market.

  • Key personnel #1 and their responsibilities

  • Key personnel #2 and their responsibilities

  • Key personnel #3 and their responsibilities


(Point your audience towards any other relevant resources besides this product brief that may provide them with more information should they be interested. This could include documentation, decks, design files, etc.)




Product Brief Template

Used 4,909 times

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