This template is written as a contract between an employee and employer, but it can be edited to meet the needs of hiring an independent contractor. Replace references to the “Employee” throughout the document with “Contractor,” and edit the Non-Solicitation clause below to refer to the end of the freelancer’s contract instead of termination of employment.
This Non-Solicitation Agreement (the “Contract” or “Agreement”) states the terms and conditions that govern the contractual agreement between [Employer.Company], having its principal place of business at [Employer.StreetAddress][Employer.City][Employer.State][Employer.Country][Employer.PostalCode] (the “Company”), and [Employee.FirstName][Employee.LastName] (the “Employee”), who agrees to be bound by this Contract.
Company as well as from vendors, subcontractors, and other employees in the course of carrying out their job duties.
Furthermore, the Employee acknowledges that they may be able to use such knowledge in a manner detrimental to the Company. Therefore, the Employee agrees to the following.