Unlimited document uploads and e‑Signatures
Rich media drag and drop document editor
Real‑time tracking and notifications
24/7 email and chat support
Simple, scalable pricing
No extra charges. No hidden fees.
Most popular
Custom quotes and sales agreements
CRM integrations*
Custom branding and content library
Deal rooms
Approval workflows
Web forms*
Bulk send*
CPQ (configure, price, quote)*
Workflow automation*
Smart content
Single sign‑on (SSO)
Team workspaces
Trusted for overall simplicity
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- All results shown are an average, based on the numbers entered into the calculator, which include: hours it takes to create an agreement, agreements sent per week, number of employees creating agreements and average salary of employees.
- ROI reflects, based on the information entered into the ROI calculator, what a company could save by switching to PandaDoc from their current e-signature platform provider.
- Other assumptions taken into account in the calculations:
- Cost of PandaDoc is calculated by using the current cost of one (1) PandaDoc business seat license at the annual subscription rate
- Based on PandaDoc’s internal data, the median minutes from agreement creation to agreement send for the top 10% of our clients with company sizes 11+ on a business subscription using our editor function in February of 2023 was 3 minutes.
- When we calculated the cost / hour of an employee, we considered the average US Salary from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Q1 2023 report.
- We calculated working hours at 2,087 to account for year-to-year fluctuations in working days over a 28-year period, rounded down from 2,087.143 hours (Since, there aren’t exactly 52 weeks (362 days) every year, usings a 28 year period helps provide a more accurate distribution of working hours (Indeed Editorial Team, “How Many Work Hours in a Year”, Indeed.com (Feb. 27, 2023)).
- Although we’ve tried to be as rigorous as possible to ensure the accuracy of this calculator, the calculations are estimates and do not constitute a formal offer or promise any certain results. If you need a personalized quote, please contact us atx.
- PandaDoc is not legally responsible for any reliances, assumptions or actions taken on the basis of the ROI calculator or the results thereof result.
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Create professional, error-free docs
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to safeguard your data
PandaDoc delivers industry-leading data protection that provides all the safeguarding measures you need. SOC 2 Type 2 and GDPR compliance ensures that we handle your sensitive information with maximum effectiveness. Your data is encrypted in transit, then stored in a SOC, FISMA, and PCI DSS Level 1 compliant cloud. We also perform external audits to identify and prevent potential security breaches.
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Streamline your document workflow
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- Tailored to your needs
- Answers all your questions
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