Loan Agreement Template
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Prepared for:
This Loan Agreement, hereby known as the “Agreement,” is entered into and made on this day of [Document.CreatedDate], hereby known as the “Effective Date,” by and between:
[Borrower.FirstName][Borrower.LastName], with a mailing address of [Borrower.StreetAddress][Borrower.City][Borrower.State][Borrower.PostalCode], hereinafter known as the “Borrower,” and [Lender.FirstName][Lender.LastName], with a mailing address of [Lender.StreetAddress][Lender.City][Lender.State][Lender.PostalCode], hereinafter known as the “Lender,” who will collectively be referred to as the “Party” or “Parties.”
On the Effective Date, the Borrower agrees to accept and repay the "Loan" given by the Lender, in full on or by the Final Loan Delivery date as pursuant to the entire terms of this Agreement.
I. Loan amount
The Lender agrees to loan a principal amount of (Written.Loan.Amount) ($ Numerical.Loan.Amount) to the Borrower, which will incur interest on the original amount at (Written.Interest.Percentage.Amount) percent (Numerical.Interest.Percentage.Amount %) each month, for a total loan amount (Total.Written.Loan.Amount) ($ Total.Numerical.Loan.Amount).