4. Market Analysis
Market Trends:
(Summarize the overall trend of the flower market)
It is imperative to build an online presence when running a flower shop business in today’s era. To ensure that our clients stay connected with our business, we aim to write weekly blogs, update our Instagram profile daily, and send frequent emails as reminders.
Target Market:
(People who wish to sell your products and services to)
5. Strategy and Implementations
In order to continue our growth and stay in our top game, we wish to sell flowers regardless of any hurdles. Furthermore, we aim to empower our marketing team and sales department so that they can deliver.
Here are some strategies we aim to adopt to win our customers over.
Sales Strategy:
(Plan on curating a successful sale)
We plan to sell our flowers to all types of people. Our sales strategy involves catering to busy and not-so-busy individuals to increase our revenue and profits.