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Boost nonprofit fundraising with eSignatures

Learn how e-signatures can help your nonprofit organization boost fundraising while streamlining document workflows and daily operations.

Boost nonprofit fundraising with eSignatures

Performance for pros

Here’s a closer look at how PandaDoc has helped other nonprofit businesses. (Updated: October 2020.)

average to create and send docs
1 min
average send to close time
13 min
average deal value

Document management + digital signatures

Fast template creation

Whether you’re issuing invoices or building registration forms, creating templates for essential documentation is fast and easy with PandaDoc.

Legally binding e-signatures

Combined with audit trails and signature workflows, you can rest assured that captured signatures carry legal weight.

Centralized document management

Say goodbye to chasing contracts across your organization. PandaDoc can hold all of your critical and signed documents for easy organizational access.

Stunning tools for business and marketing communications

Upload critical forms and create templates for faster and more efficient processing.

The timeline regarding how much longer hospitals will be overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients is unclear, but thanks to PandaDoc, we are prepared to continue making the lives of NHS workers a little bit brighter during these unprecedented times.

meals served to NHS frontline workers

More than just an e-signature solution

From easy templating and real-time document creation to payment collection and document analytics, PandaDoc can help you take your nonprofit to the next level.

Transform your business process

Switching away from paper processes is part of the digital transformation, but for nonprofits with limited funding, it can feel like a risky proposition. PandaDoc helps you save time and money by digitizing your entire document building process, from the first draft to the last digital signature.

Salesforce Flow

Lower your overhead

Many nonprofits use a variety of digital tools to manage daily operations, but those costs can add up. PandaDoc can easily replace other signature software tools like DocuSign, Adobe Sign, or SignNow while offering a more comprehensive solution. We can also integrate with tools like Salesforce or Dropbox to help you lower costs and operate more efficiently.

Document Signature Services

Build the right toolkit

Every organization operates a little differently, but PandaDoc can be customized to your use case. Whether you need to submit grant applications, send agreement forms, or want to operate exclusively on mobile devices, we’ll work with you to build an effective solution that suits your business needs.

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Over 20,000+ customers trust PandaDoc

5 stars out of 5

“PandaDoc is simple to use with an easy learning curve. If you’ve ever used e-signature software before, it should be easy to switch to PandaDoc.”

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4.5 stars out of 5

“Importing contacts from our CRM into the templates is amazing – no worries of typos or spelling errors as the information is taken directly into PandaDoc. Tokens are an amazing feature!”

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5 stars out of 5

“The integration from Pipedrive to PandaDoc works perfectly fine for us. We integrate youtube clips for customer explanation & great product photos.”

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5 stars out of 5

“We adopted this system to send out our organization’s legal documents, and so far the experience has been great. I would highly recommend this e-signature product.”

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Try PandaDoc for nonprofit

Let one of our experts show you how our platform can help your nonprofit improve productivity while staying flexible and efficient.
