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Overview of electronic signature law and its legality in Israel

Electronic signatures have been legally valid in Israel since the country first passed Israel’s Electronic Signature Law.

This law established guidelines for how eSignatures can be accepted in business and legal settings.

Israel operates under a tiered legal system, which means that certified electronic signatures are recognized as a special kind of electronic signature.

A certified electronic signature is a local term for what many countries would refer to as a qualified electronic signature (QES).

A certified electronic signature is given the same legal weight as a handwritten signature, though a basic electronic signature may be acceptable in certain situations.

Are eSignatures legal in Israel?

Yes, eSignatures have been legal in Israel since 2001 and can be used on business contracts and in legal settings. Israeli law outlines three different types of electronic signatures: electronic signatures, secure electronic signatures, and certified electronic signatures.

A secure electronic signature is similar to a QES in that it meets the following requirements:

  • It contains properties that are unique to the signer
  • It is easy to identify who signed the document
  • The document was signed using a secure signing device
  • You can track any changes made after the document was signed

An overview of Israel’s legal system

Israel’s legal system is considered to be a common law system, though it also contains elements of civil law and Jewish law. Increasingly, Israel has been moving away from a common law system and favoring more elements of civil law.

Common law systems favor legal precedents and judicial rulings. Roughly 30% of the world currently operates under a common law legal system. This includes countries like the United States, the U.K., and parts of Africa.

When is a basic electronic signature appropriate?

In the past, Israel only recognized secure electronic signatures and certified electronic signatures as legally binding. However, in 2018, the Electronic Signature Law was amended to make it easier to use simple electronic signatures.

Basic electronic signatures are easier to collect since the guidelines are far less stringent. They are acceptable on the following types of documents:

  • Non-disclose agreements (NDAs)
  • Employment contracts
  • Benefits paperwork
  • Sales agreements
  • Procurement documents
  • New retail account documents
  • Purchase orders
  • User manuals
  • Software licensing agreements
  • Trademarks
  • Intangible property transfers

However, a secure electronic signature or certified electronic signature will still be required for will and testamentary trusts.

Can PandaDoc software be used in Israel?

Yes, PandaDoc software complies with the existing eSignature laws in Israel. Our software allows you to create secure, legally binding signatures on all of your business documents and contracts.

To get started, you can sign up for our Free eSign Plan. This plan supplies 5 electronic signatures and business documents, and it is completely free to use. If you try it and discover you need more functionality, you can always upgrade to one of our other plans.