This Car Loan Agreement, hereby known as the “Agreement,” is entered into and made on this day of (Enter date), hereby known as the “Effective Date,” by and between:
[Borrower.FirstName][Borrower.LastName], with a mailing address of [Borrower.StreetAddress][Borrower.City][Borrower.State][Borrower.PostalCode], hereinafter known as the “Borrower,” and
[Lender.FirstName][Lender.LastName], with a mailing address of [Lender.StreetAddress]
[Lender.City][Lender.State][Lender.PostalCode], hereinafter known as the “Lender,” who will collectively be referred to as the “Party” or “Parties.”
On the Effective Date, [Borrower.FirstName][Borrower.LastName] will purchase the Vehicle described in the agreement and agrees to pay [Lender.FirstName][Lender.LastName] (the “Lender”) the amount stipulated in this agreement.