Under the terms and conditions specified in this Release and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged;
THAT the Releasor hereby releases and forever discharges Releasee of any liability that may arise from the day it has been received until such time the vehicle will no longer serve its functions and sole purpose.
THAT the Releasor hereby releases and forever discharges the Releasee of and from any form and all manner of damages, suits, claims, action and actions, and demands of any kind in both the present and future, at law or in equity, including its agents, employee, successors and assigns, and any and all persons, firms or corporations liable, or those who might claim they are liable, whether or not stated, mentioned, or named, none of whom admit liability to the undersigned.
THAT both parties, the Releasor and the Releasee, represent they fully understand their right to review this Release with their representative attorneys, that both parties have an opportunity to consult their representative attorneys, and that both parties have carefully read and examined the content of this Release and they fully understand and confirm the provisions of this Release.
THAT both parties, the Releasor, and the Releasee, freely, knowingly, and voluntarily entered this Release.
THAT the Releasor understands and confirms that both parties agreed to disclose the information provided in this document in case of any potential harm in handling these personal details that may cause a breach of the Data Privacy and Protection Act.
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