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  2. Business Model Canvas Template


Business Model Canvas Template

Used 4,892 times

Make your business plan easier to share with partners and investors by using the Business Model Canvas Template. It is available for download.

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  2. Business Model Canvas Template


Business Model Canvas Template

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Key partners

(Use this area to list and describe the key partnerships you can make. Including resources, activities, products, and overall value they can provide.)

Key Activities

(Describe all the activities necessary to deliver your value proposition. What do you need to do to provide your product and make your company stand out?)

Key Resources

(List all the resources or assets your business requires to carry out its activities and value proposition, e.g., capital resources, intellectual resources, material or human resources.)

Value Proposition

(Identify what makes your business stand out from its competition. Are you trying to solve a problem? What is the solution? And how does it differ from the options the market already has?)

Customer relationships

(Describe how your company will interact with its clients. For example, how you communicate with your customers and how often, or if you have different protocols for each audience segment.)


(Describe the channels you will utilize to deliver your value proposition and reach your customers. For example, how are you going to distribute your product (supply and distribution channels)? How will you reach your audience (marketing channels)? And how do you communicate with your clients (customer support channels)?)

Customer segments

(Use this space to describe your target audience by defining different customer personas that could benefit from your value proposition. Make sure to specify if they belong to a niche or if you are reaching a mass market.)

Cost structure

(Specify the costs of running your business and providing your services. Are those fixed or variable? Follow the list of activities and resources you created to calculate realistic costs.)

Revenue Streams

(Identify how your business will create a revenue through your value proposition. There are many types of revenue streams. Choose the ones that better adapt to your product. Is it going to be subscription-based or direct-sell? Are there other ways you can get revenue through your value proposition? This includes prices and payment methods, as well as selling strategies.)


(If you'd like, you can add an extra section to describe an issue of matter to your business, for example, environmental awareness or community interaction like volunteering opportunities.)





Business Model Canvas Template

Used 4,892 times

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