Whether it’s an offer letter to a new employee or a contract for your largest customer, errors can cause delays, costs, or even have potential legal ramifications.

Not to mention they don’t exactly put your business’ best foot forward, either.

Worry not — we’re going to cover the end-to-end PandaDoc workflow to ensure every document your business creates remains error free.

Error-free document creation

Most errors happen during document creation, so here’s a few features to consider using to ensure consistency and accuracy when taking those initial steps.

1. Templates

Use Templates to maintain document layout and verify that key information is correct with every send.

Think of Templates as a master copy for any type of document you need to send more than once.

Check out our help center article or our Learn Course for more information.

error-free template

2. CRM integrations

Use a CRM Integration in PandaDoc to seamlessly integrate customer data into your document workflows from popular CRM solutions like HubSpot, Pipedrive and Salesforce.

This integration minimizes errors by directly incorporating customer data and pricing information into your documents.

Additionally, you can configure automatic CRM updates as deal stages progress and even automate attaching of completed documents as PDFs to customer records so details are never lost.

Explore our help center for a comprehensive list of supported CRMs or check out one of our Learn Courses for popular CRMs like HubSpot and Salesforce.

3. Smart content

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In PandaDoc, you can use Smart Content to create consistency across your documents without sacrificing customization or introducing errors.

With Smart Content’s simple “if-then” rules builder, you’ll be able to make sure the right information is always added to your documents by dictating what content is added based on specific customer information.

Here’s a quick example: If your customer inputs their country as “USA” you can use Smart Content to automatically include the “USA Terms & Conditions,” or if your customer inputs the “UK” you can use it to include the “UK Terms & Conditions.”

4. Content locking

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Our Content Locking feature secures sensitive information like legal disclaimers or terms and conditions in your documents from editing or removal by other users.

Simply select specific content blocks with information that should never be edited and enable content locking to prevent the modification of any text, or even the position of that text within the document.

If changes are needed, an admin can quickly toggle content locking off to complete them and then switch it back on.

Error-free signing

Arguably the most important part of your document process, ensuring the signing process is free of friction and errors is critical for delivering a professional and timely process your recipients expect.

Here are the top features to implement in your workflow to ensure both you and your recipients are on the same page when it’s time to sign:

1. Contract negotiations

Use our Contract Negotiations feature to reduce internal and external alignment issues before document finalization.

Invite recipients to suggest edits, leave comments, or invite other reviews to the document.

When everyone is done suggesting edits the finalized document can be easily sent for signature.

2. Conditional fields

PandaDoc’s Conditional Fields eliminate errors caused by missed information or the inclusion of irrelevant fields for which your recipients were required to complete.

By implementing “if-then” rules, you can dynamically adjust the document fields a recipient is required to fill out based on their previous responses.

This ensures the capture of all essential information — and nothing that isn’t.

service proposal template with PandaDoc conditional fields

3. Approval workflow

Use Approval Workflows to prevent sending important documents to recipients without the right authorization.

PandaDoc users have the flexibility to set up specific approval orders when multiple approvers are needed, or even approval groups when only one person from a list of approved individuals needs to sign off.

Error-free follow up

Whether a document is awaiting signature, or a renewal agreement with a customer is approaching, timely follow ups can make all the difference.

Here are some PandaDoc tools to help ensure your documents stay valid and get completed on time.

1. Document reminders and auto expirations

Use Document Reminders & Expirations to schedule automated follow ups for incomplete documents or documents approaching a certain experdate is reached.

These features ensure important dates are never missed by your recipients.

PandaDoc Document Reminders & Expirations

2. Renewal reminders

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PandaDoc users can also use renewal reminders for tailored internal notifications of when you should start preparing a renewal for a customer so you have plenty of time to deliver it to the customer before the deadline.

Check out our help center article for more information.

Keep documents spotless with PandaDoc

We hope you’ve learned a few things on how to improve your document processes and ensure every agreement is fast, smooth, and error-free.

If you have questions, our support team is always just a few clicks away!