

Attendance Policy

Used 4,885 times

An employee attendance policy can assist you in preventing attendance difficulties while effectively handling them when they do occur. Personalize it for your own business using an Attendance Policy Template by PandaDoc.

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Attendance Policy Template

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The objective of [Sender.Company] 's employee attendance policy is to lay out clear expectations and standards for our employees regarding punctuality and attendance. It also outlines the different types of absences and how attendance and punctuality issues will be handled.


The [Sender.Company] attendance policy applies to all employees regardless of their position or type of employment. It does not apply to contractors unless specified in their agreements.


Regular attendance is a core responsibility of each employee at [Sender.Company]. Each employee is expected to report to work on time and, as scheduled, ready to start working. Employees are required to check in when they arrive for each shift using (software used for attendance if applicable).

Employees are expected to remain at work for each shift of their work schedule. Arriving late to a shift or leaving early is unacceptable, barring specific permission from your manager, and consistent punctuality issues will lead to potential disciplinary action as specified within this policy.

Types of absences

An absence can either be "excused" or "unexcused." These terms are defined as follows:

Excused absence:

When an employee provides a minimum of 48 hours' notice to their supervisor, receives approval from their supervisor, and has appropriate vacation time or sick days to cover the absence. Some examples of reasons for excused absences include serious accidents, family emergencies, illnesses, etc.

Unexcused absence:

When an employee does not provide the minimum amount of notice specified previously, does not receive approval from their supervisor, and does not have available paid time off to cover the absence. Some examples of unacceptable absences include waking up late, traffic, bad weather, and unapproved holidays.

If an employee has less than (number) incidents of absenteeism or tardiness in a year, then they will receive an additional paid day off for next year.

If an employee has more than (number) incidents of absenteeism or tardiness in a year, then they will be subject to potential disciplinary action as specified within this policy.

Employees with three or more consecutive days of excused absences due to an injury or an illness may need to provide [Sender.Company] with a doctor's note if requested by HR or their manager.

Manager's responsibility

It is each supervisor's responsibility to monitor the attendance of any employees that fall under their management. If an employee is consistently late or absent, the manager should arrange a private meeting with the employee to discern whether they need help with anything or are unclear as to the expectations about attendance and punctuality. If the employee needs assistance or if disciplinary action is warranted, the manager should inform the HR department.

Disciplinary action

Employees will not be compensated for unexcused absences. If an employee is consistently absent or tardy, disciplinary action may be taken up to and including termination of employment.







Attendance Policy

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