vH3 Digital Showcase the Potential of Digital Workflows With the Help of PandaDoc API

The Company:
vH3 Digital is a process workflow automation and custom development agency. They help businesses who are “field-based”, i.e. with employees moving around from place to place, to digitize their document generation workflows.
Their founder, Ric Vezza, explained that they work with companies who “typically don’t have big technical resources” and “deploy small teams as a service to help people use this type of technology without having to hire all the skills in-house.”
If an employee is out in the field and they need to create a quote or generate a contract for a potential customer, vH3 Digital offers support and solutions on how to do this digitally and therefore more efficiently.
As a secondary venture, they help companies work out how to digitize a wider gamut of their internal and external document generation workflows.
Their primary focus is on helping companies with their “customer onboarding and sales journeys” before moving on to other processes that require document workflows, like employment and onboarding.
The Problem:
vH3 is working with a UK-based security company that fit access control and CCTV systems nationally. The company was overburdened by its legacy methods for recruiting and onboarding new staff. vH3 helped them by creating a series of digital documents for contractors and staff that “cascade together.”
First, they created the employee contracts, and once these were signed, that triggered an approvals workflow. When the signed contracts were approved, this, in turn, triggered the digital sending of employee handbooks to be signed. As part of this automated, cascading workflow they would also send any documents relating to company assets the new employees had been given.
All of this automated workflow is created and managed with the help of the PandaDoc API, which, because of its ease of use, has helped vH3 demonstrate to customers the benefits of digitizing and automating their document workflows. It’s an approach that has allowed vH3 to expand its product base and increase the amount of business it does with its customers.
They had used “pretty much every solution” (Qwilr, Proposify, Better Proposals) before turning to PandaDoc. They found that although these solutions had some great features, none of them had the “open API and the ability for deep integration, server-side and on-premises” that PandaDoc offers. Ric added, “Pandadoc is very good with its analytics and API integration.”
Ric says that the intuitive nature of the PandaDoc document generation tool is very helpful when working with companies who may be “on their first foray into digitization of documents.” PandaDoc’s ease of use helps vH3 illuminate the benefits of automation and digital workflows. Describing the process of working with their customers’ sales teams, Ric said:
“Tools like this really help the sales team understand the context and the engagement. That allows us to start looking at wider workflow automation. Once we’ve mocked up some documents in sales, operationally, we’re finding very good use-cases for PandaDoc in process development.”
The Solution:
vH3 does a lot of native integrations, especially with Pipedrive CRM and Stripe payment processing software. PandaDoc has a “really good native integration” with Pipedrive and with Stripe, so this was a big selling point for them, alongside the open API.
The flexibility of these integrations allowed them to customize the price configurations at the end of a document when working with Stripe.
They were also impressed with the price point vs features of PandaDoc. Ric explained that while per document pricing could potentially be off-putting for the uninitiated, the reality is that compared to many of their customers’ current document generation costs, this pricing structure will save them a lot of money.
For an upcoming, large project for one of their customers, with tens of thousands of documents needing to be generated, Ric is predicting a saving of 60,000 GDP in postage and stationery alone by digitizing their workflows. Ric added that this is a conservative estimate.
In addition to the cost-saving, Ric and his team are aiming to triple the number of documents getting sent — something that their customers’ current processes, infrastructure, and labor resources would not be able to support.
“The technical support is very good,” and the integration is straightforward. Ric did most of the integration himself, even though he is not a lead developer. Ric said:
“Someone who is not super technical, or a professional developer, was still able to deploy PandaDoc’s API integrations with the help of the documentation and technical support. ”
The Results:
He says that their customers have been “blown away that you can click three buttons, get a quote out to a customer, know when it gets signed, and get paid.”
One of the biggest benefits for their customers of adopting PandaDoc has been the increased speed of sales and payments.
Customers have also been relieved not to have to devote team members’ time to manually following up payments and checking the status of their documents, as this is now automated within the workflow.
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