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Switching from Nulius? Choose PandaDoc

Switching from Nulius to PandaDoc helps freelancers and small businesses create project proposals in less time. From custom fields to a content library and branding kit, PandaDoc has it all.

Unlimited proposals
Unlimited clients
Template coversLimited
Custom fields and formulas
Brand kit
Analytics and reports
PDF export
Content library
Pricing tables
Payment collection
Multi-language support
24/7 support
Assigned system roles
User management
Audit trails
In-document collaboration tools
Quotes, contracts, and more

Capture a signature that matters

Legally-binding eSignatures are one of the most important aspects of digital business documentation. It’s essential to the progress of closing, and it’s something that Nulius ( doesn’t offer. All PandaDoc users enjoy signatures that are UETA and Federal ESIGN Act compliant, so you always know that the signatures you acquire are valid, authenticated, and legal.

Unlimited clients and proposals

Like Nulius, PandaDoc allows users to create unlimited proposals for an unlimited number of clients. While PandaDoc is more expensive than Nulius when it comes to pricing, we provide a variety of essential tools for business owners which allow you to truly control every aspect of the proposal.

Custom fields, tables, formulas, and more

Nulius allows users to use formulas, custom fields, and tables while building out project proposals. PandaDoc offers a robust collection of similar tools, but we also include product listings, checkboxes, and a table of contents to help your proposal shine without adding a lot of pages.

Export to PDF anytime

Need to export your document to PDF? Like Nulius, PandaDoc allows users to save and export to PDF. However, we recommend that users send links for clients to send and sign because of the in-document commenting and analytics that can give your time insights to process based on data we collect.

Your brand your way

Nulius offers a brand kit to help users take ownership of their project proposals. PandaDoc provides similar features to help users change the look and feel of any document they send out, whether it is a proposal, a contract, a quote or any other type of document you can create within the PandaDoc document editor.

Going further with PandaDoc

Collect payments inside your proposals

While Nulius is all about creating high-closing proposals, only PandaDoc allows users to collect payment from inside a proposal. None of the current solutions that Nulius offers account for this feature, making this a PandaDoc exclusive. Create high closing rates by allowing your customers to pay as soon as they sign your proposal.


Design the document of your dreams

The Nulius document editor gets the job done when creating project proposals, but the PandaDoc document editor goes above and beyond to help you create incredible documents every time you use it, no matter whether you’re creating proposals, quotes, contracts, or other sales and marketing collateral.

Catalog Item

Integrate your workflow

Currently, Nulius functions as a standalone software. If you’re a freelancer or a small business owner who only uses one or two systems, that might be fine, but what if you need to integrate your proposal software into your CRM or payment gateway? That’s where PandaDoc shines. PandaDoc natively integrates with Google Drive, DropBox, Microsoft 365 and over 1500 other digital and software-as-a-service (SaaS) products. Capture, tag, and export documents, important events, and notifications to systems that you use to more effectively track proposals and clients at the same time.

Proposal Integrations

A template library made for you

Like Nulius, PandaDoc offers a template library to help you jumpstart your document creation. Our existing library consists of 400+ documents to meet your sales and marketing needs, and all are compatible with the PandaDoc document editor. Simply import a template and modify it to suit your needs. Apply your branding kit and images from your content library, then add custom fields before saving it as a personalized template within your PandaDoc account. The next time you need it, your template will be waiting for you.


System and user roles for everyone

If you’re working as part of a team, you already know how important administrative roles can be when ensuring quality control and accountability. PandaDoc provides unparalleled control over user roles by providing auditing and oversight tools for system administrators. With PandaDoc audit trails and tracking tools, you’ll know every time someone makes a change to your document whether it is a customer or an employee.

Workflow Approval

Multi-Language support

If you’re in the United States or the United Kingdom, sending a document to Poland, Germany or Italy can be a hassle. The language is different, and it’s easy for one party to miss a key element of your proposal. While you’ll still need to take care with the language, PandaDoc helps here by providing signature prompts and tooltips in a variety of international languages.

Design Styles

Your documents on the go

One of the most important aspects of your documentation is making sure that you have it when and where you need it. For Nulius, that means logging onto the website and/or pulling up a PDF version of your proposal. For PandaDoc users, it’s as easy as downloading the mobile app. Control every aspect of your proposal while on the go by logging in through the mobile app and making changes from the dashboard. Review important events and check notifications inside your essential documents. You can even collaborate with customers while they review your proposal.


Customer stories

Thousands, 50,000 actually, use PandaDoc each day to make their document process painlessly simple.

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