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Need a break from HelloSign?

Switch from Dropbox Sign (formerly HelloSign) to PandaDoc for power content creation tools, more templates, better integrations, and more.

Dropbox Sign (HelloSign)PandaDoc
Unlimited electronic signatures
Bulk e-signing options
Form creation
Tamper-proof documents
Content library
Integrations (CRM, storage, etc.)
Real time audit trail
Reminders & notifications
Template creationLimited
Signer attachments
In-person signing
From scratch document creation
Custom branding
White labeling
Analytics & reporting
Payment gateway (Stripe / Paypal)
API Access
Mobile app (Android & iOS)
24/7/365 customer support

Sign documents with ease

Both Dropbox Sign and PandaDoc make it easy to capture legally binding e-signatures for unlimited documents. Simply use the onboard tools to prepare a document for e-signing, then send a signature request to the appropriate signatories.

However, PandaDoc offers a robust toolkit that makes it more than an e-signature solution like Dropbox Sign, DocuSign, SignNow, or even Adobe Sign! In addition to signature tools, you’ll find a variety of document creation tools, automation workflows, and integrations designed to make the signing process easier than ever.

Secure documents every time

Like Dropbox Sign, PandaDoc offers e-signature capture that is compliant with modern legal frameworks like the ESIGN Act and eIDAS. Our documents are tamper-proof, our processes are HIPAA compliant, and our data is secure.

PandaDoc also provides ways to certify signers that you won’t see inside Dropbox Sign. For example, we offer unique certificates of authenticity that include proof of the signer’s details (IP address, location, verified email address, etc.) so that furnishing signer authentication and proof of signature is simple.

Get team & document analytics

Just like Dropbox Sign, PandaDoc offers powerful team management tools (complete with approval workflows and a centralized dashboard) so you can keep your document operations organized. Unfortunately, most of these tools only provide limited insights into team and document performance.

With PandaDoc, you’ll be able to zoom in and examine your document workflows from a variety of angles. See which documents perform well via onboard analytics, how users interact with your proposals and contracts, and which team members use which proposals, who earns the most revenue, and more.

Why switch from Dropbox Sign to PandaDoc?

Build better documents — fast

As an electronic signature software, Dropbox Sign can help you sign documents, but it won’t help you build them. PandaDoc offers from-scratch content creation that helps you consolidate all your document processes into a single workflow. Create a blank document (or import docs from Microsoft Word, Google Drive, etc.), use the onboard functionality to customize and personalize the document, and send everything for a digital signature all without leaving the platform.


Streamline your content process

Speed is always a factor when trying to close business deals. While Dropbox Sign offers some limited template options, the platform falls short when it comes to true automation savvy. PandaDoc users can create unlimited templates for all types of documents and forms, use a content library to insert approved snippets, integrate product catalogs and pricing tables, and more. From small business to enterprise sales, building business documentation has never been easier.

Document Content Library

Integrate your entire tech stack

PandaDoc offers a ton of onboard tools, but it doesn’t have to do all the heavy lifting alone. In addition to our cloud storage integrations, you’ll also find integrations with popular CRMs like HubSpot and Salesforce for Business plan and Enterprise plan users. You can even integrate with productivity tools like Slack or payment gateways like Stripe and Paypal to connect even more of your tech stack to your document process.

Proposal Integrations

No-hassle document management

Dropbox Sign / HelloSign users on premium plans will have the option to store data on Dropbox servers. Unfortunately, everyone else is out of luck. Not so with PandaDoc. Users on any of our paid plans have access to data residency and storage based in either the EU or the US. Plus, all documents signed through PandaDoc can reside on the platform in perpetuity, and our onboard filing options allow for easy sorting and organization. Data export is also available, both through cloud storage integrations and via direct data download.

Security Signature

Collaborative tools for teams

Teams working within PandaDoc can operate collaboratively during the document generation process. PandaDoc offers unlimited team workspaces, custom user roles, approval workflows, and much more through its admin console. Some of these tools and features also extend to external document collaborators (including signers), so that negotiation and document redlining can happen all in one place.

Document Workflow Team

24/7/365 support

We’ve done our best to prioritize ease of use for every PandaDoc customer — but sometimes, you just need help. With most Dropbox Sign plans, you’ll have to send an email and wait for a reply. That’s a major deviation from PandaDoc, where we offer 24/7/365 chat support for all plans. On top of that, we offer premium support options for users who want to reach out via email, phone, or talk to a dedicated account manager. With PandaDoc, you can get the support you need — when you actually need it!

Support Call

Customer stories

Thousands, 50,000 actually, use PandaDoc each day to make their document process painlessly simple.

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