How does PandaDoc pricing compare to Docusign’s?
Both PandaDoc Business and Docusign for business cost $65 per user/month. However, Docusign pricing does not include additional fees that may apply, while PandaDoc is committed to transparent pricing.
Another important factor when comparing PandaDoc vs. Docusign pricing is envelopes (or the number of documents each licensed user can send). PandaDoc provides unlimited envelopes for each user under our PandaDoc Business plan. Docusign Business includes 100 envelopes a year — but then charges an additional fee per envelope for every document sent after 100. Docusign pricing per envelope varies depending on the details of your plan.
For more information on how PandaDoc compares to Docusign pricing, visit our pricing review with policies with citations from Docusign corporate sources.