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Alaska Apartment Lease Agreement

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Alaska Apartment Lease Agreement

A lease agreement in Alaska is legally binding and defines the tenant-landlord relationship for the occupancy period. It must contain specific sections. 

Security Deposit

  • Limit on amount – Landlords can require a security deposit and prepaid rent totaling a maximum of two months, except for units renting over $2,000/month. An extra pet deposit of up to one (1) month’s rent is allowed for tenants with pets. 
  • Must be held in a trust account – Deposits must be deposited by the landlord into a separate trust account and accounted for individually per tenant. Funds cannot be commingled with other money or used for another tenant’s obligations.  
  • Interest – Alaska law doesn’t mandate deposits to earn interest. If they earn interest, it goes to the tenant unless otherwise agreed in the lease.
  • Transfer upon sale – When an apartment is sold, the buyer assumes responsibility for refunding deposits to tenants who move out afterward. The seller must properly transfer deposits to the buyer to be relieved of further liability.  

Entry and Access

  • Reasons for entry – Landlords may enter to make repairs, conduct inspections, provide services, show the unit, or remove their property. They must give 24 hours’ notice and select a mutually convenient time.
  • No notice situations – Entry without permission is only allowed if the tenant can’t be reached, has been gone over seven (7) days with no notice, or there’s an emergency.  
  • Tenant refusals – Tenants can’t unreasonably refuse entry. If they do, landlords can get a court order requiring access or collect up to one (1) month’s rent in damages.
  • Harassment – Tenants can seek injunctions and damages if landlords abuse entry rights or use access to harass. Tenants may also end leases with 10 days’ notice if there’s pervasive abuse.

Pets Policy 

  • Service animals – Landlords must accommodate tenants with disabilities using certified service animals in housing under state/federal fair housing laws. Can’t charge extra fees or restrict access.  
  • Documentation – Landlords can’t require proof of service animal training/certification or ask about the tenant’s disability. They can only inquire whether the animal is a service and its tasks.  
  • Support/emotional animals – Housing must also allow emotional support animals needed to lessen a tenant’s disability, per federal law. Reasonable accommodation requests apply.
  • Tenant responsibilities – Tenants remain liable for any damage or threats caused by their animals. Service status doesn’t excuse dangerous behavior.  


In Alaska, transparency is paramount in apartment lease agreements, necessitating specific disclosures to protect landlords and tenants. The required disclosures in an Alaska apartment lease agreement include:  

  • Landlord/Agent Contact Information
  • Withholding of Security Deposits
  • Tenant Occupancy/Absence Disclosure
  • Lead-Based Paint

Also, it’s recommended to add the following disclosures; however, they’re optional:

  • Mold Disclosure
  • Bed Bug Disclosure
  • Asbestos
  • Move-in Checklist
  • Late/Returned Check Fees & Non-Refundable Fees
  • Shared Utilities Disclosure (If applicable)
  • Smoking Disclosure
  • Medical Disclosure